Duke research opportunities. You can research, write, act, compete, create, calculate, or champion—because at Duke, we believe Our groundbreaking research spans diverse fields, from life sciences and engineering to humanities and social sciences, empowering us to address the world's most pressing challenges. A good time to do this is early in the spring of Interdisciplinary Research & Leadership Opportunities for Duke Law Students About Bass Connections Bass Connections is a university-wide program that offers graduate and undergraduate students immersive research opportunities through more than 50 year-long project teams each year. We’ll help you land that summer research experience abroad, or you can take advantage of programs that place you alongside our own world-class faculty. <jessica. Much of our scientific investigation demonstrates excellence in teams and interdisciplinary work. dorner@duke. Hi Jessica, I am reaching out to share the attached flyer regarding a funding opportunity for PhD students to spend a month doing research at Duke-NUS. Of the 19 nationwide R38 programs, Duke holds four and OPSD provides Undergraduate Research Support Office. Summer Urological Research Experience. Email researchinitiatives@duke. The basic and translational scientists in the Duke Cardiovascular Research Center have a mission of service to guide Duke Heart toward the future, by promoting creative integration across the basic, translational and clinical enterprise to accomplish key initiatives in discovery science, innovation The Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute offers a number of accelerator funding opportunities at the following link: https://ctsi. Great Hall, Trent Semans Building. There will be two arms of the program: 1. edu A URS Conference Grant is an award of up to $400 to use towards attending and/or presenting research done at Duke at a national or regional meeting of a professional organization. A department-wide organized research lab, the DEAL reflects the commitment of the Department of In 2021, the Duke University School of Medicine opened its first research campus in the Research Triangle Park (RTP). This program gives participants who are interested in science and medicine real hands-on experience in research methodology and writing. DukeREP’s mission is to increase diversity in STEM fields. We hope this information will help members of the department to identify and successfully compete for internal and external funding, and more importantly Faculty research groups in the Chemistry Department span the traditional areas of chemistry and extend into areas of medicine, physics, mathematics, engineering, materials science, and biology. edu for more information about the 2021-2022 Duke-Margolis Scholars Program in Health Policy and Management. Our program introduces students from diverse backgrounds to scientific research in Undergraduate Research Support Office. For individual investigators the team is available for consultations on proposal Duke University and the School of Medicine offer a breadth and depth of research support offices, programs, educational opportunities, facilities and funding to support researchers at all levels of their careers and at all stages of research. Prepare and maintain lab stocks of common reagents. Graduate Students – Please contact Dr. Undergraduate research is strongly supported by Trinity College of Arts and Sciences through the Office of Undergraduate Research Support (URS), available to help students think about their research interests and better understand the variety of opportunities for undergraduate research at Duke along with a growing list of Research. These pilot grants are open to investigators at all stages in their career. Each year, more than 250 faculty, over a thousand undergraduates and several hundred graduate students engage in team-based research through Bass Connections. Our programs include expertise in every specialty. Biomedical Sciences/Biotechnology. Mentors are graduate students, postdocs, lab technicians For more information or to schedule a demonstration, contact myresearchhome@duke. Must be a current Duke / NCCU undergrad or master’s student continuing into fall ’24 (recent grads not eligible). Search Muser All Duke Pediatrics residents are required to accomplish scholarly activities. Many faculty members in the Duke Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offer short-term or ongoing research projects in which current master’s students may participate for academic credit or pay. Master's. Muser provides Duke students with regularly-scheduled, clearly articulated, and equitable access to research opportunities across all fields. e. Home to more than 300 businesses including Apple and Google, RTP is the largest research park in the United States and a premier global innovation center. , lab manager/coordinator) to help conduct language learning studies with children and adults. Coffman Lab. A department-wide organized research lab, the DEAL reflects the commitment of the Department of Economics to provide students with meaningful research Funding/research opportunities. The Duke Precision Medicine Program is pleased to work with undergraduate students interested in gaining first-hand experience about applied genomics and precision medicine. This program is supported by the Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and the Duke Office of Clinical Research. 9259 ursoffice@duke. This NIH-funded, ABIM-approved opportunity allows the pathology resident to pursue AP/CP or AP-only training, and incorporates 18 months of protected time for research (6 months during residency, and 12 months after residency) sponsored by an R38 Stimulating Access Duke Office for External Partnerships (OEP) OEP can help researchers identify partnering opportunities and find collaborative funding to support their research. graduate program after completing their Research Opportunities for Undergraduate Students. John Trueswell is hiring a full-time research specialist (i. CV Imaging Research Center: MRI. Our faculty – which includes four National Academy of Science members – conduct more than $65 million in research each year for the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Energy, among others. Richard Forward conducts research on the physiological ecology of marine invertebrates. The Duke Economic Analytics Laboratory (DEAL) is a new initiative designed to facilitate linking Duke undergraduates who are seeking research experiences with faculty-led research projects that are at the frontier of economics, broadly defined. This program accepts applicants from the following home institutions: Duke Clinical Research Lab. The primary goal of the third year is to develop Summer research opportunities offered by the Physics Department are an excellent introduction to scientific research. Typically, there are three rounds of recruiting every calendar year. There’s no right or wrong way to navigate the Duke academic experience within our two undergraduate schools—Trinity College of Arts & Sciences and Pratt School of Engineering. We are ranked among the top 10 Biology graduate programs by U. The IDEALS Office does not administer these programs, but we strongly encourage students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds to explore and apply to the opportunities that align with your current academic stage and professional interests. For 2021-22, post-doctoral fellows or advanced doctoral students from all disciplines are invited Undergraduate Opportunities. Government and industry organizations are valuable partners at Duke ECE, and our entrepreneurial spirit 8-week paid internship, multiple positions open. The department currently has active grants and contracts with $55,309,704 in external funding. Application Deadline: April 1st, 2024. The Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) is pleased to offer small research support or travel grants of up to $5000 each to DGHI faculty and affiliates. 4 days ago В· Duke Electrical & Computer Engineering’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) is a paid opportunity that brings undergraduates into our research laboratories for nine weeks in the summer. Special consideration is given to students For students using work-study for wages, the URS Assistantship will cover the gap in funding that is not covered for the employer by the work study program, typically $275-550/semester in the fall and spring. The objective of Duke’s STAR program is to provide a high-quality research experience for undergraduate students, high school students, and middle and high school teachers during the summer academic break. Complementary and Alternative Medical Practice. Research Opportunities. We welcome applicants from around the United States who are seriously considering joining a Ph. Learn more about Basic and Translational Research. The Office for Research & Innovation provides this extensive, on-line database of internal and external funding opportunities as a resource for the entire Duke University research community. Most Physics majors do research during their time at Duke, and many do senior thesis to graduate with distinction. This is a competitive scholarship program. “Duke Summer Experiences is a resource for all of Duke,” says Nov 7, 2023 В· From: Evan Dorner <evan. On Bass Dec 15, 2023 В· The Undergraduate Research Support Office is pleased to announce an expanded summer research program for rising-Sophomore Duke students, expanding on the success of the previous B-SURF program. Facilities and Research Repository (boilerplate language) from myRESEARCHpath. Explore the Opportunities Contact Us. Linguistic faculty with regional expertise include Romance, Slavic, Germanic, Asian & Middle Course Enhancement Grants support innovative approaches to global teaching, learning and research, both at Duke and abroad. From junior faculty just getting started to established researchers with years of experience, there is Additional Opportunities Bass Connections. Track 2 5 days ago В· Lab management (15% effort) Overseeing shipping and receiving. Lessons in Research. Clinical Research Intern Job Request Form. We tend to think of stress as a bad thing that affects our health and well-being. Independent Study Linguistics faculty are able to offer research independent study in a wide range of areas, including cognitive neurolinguistics, sociolinguistics (migration, language and politics, gender and language, variety in language, and other topics), historical and synchronic linguistics. Find a Research Experience with Muser. Research experiences usually last one semester. edu> Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 2:14 PM To: Jessica Covil-Manset, Ph. duke. Most undergraduate research is funded by Undergraduate Research Support (USR) Grants, but there are additional programs of support available such as: Dean's Summer Research Fellowships – The Deans' Summer Fellowships can support faculty-mentored research in any discipline in the arts & sciences. Awards are based on merit, recognizing high academic achievement and promise. tomasello@duke. covil-manset@duke. Learn more about Clinical Research. Grants will be awarded to faculty projects that provide Duke students with meaningful global experiences and create new opportunities for global learning and engagement. Sensory Physiology, Ecology, and Behavior. CV Imaging Research Center: Echocardiography. Residents are strongly encouraged to directly become involved in clinical research, including patient-oriented Undergraduate Research Support Office. The Duke University Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is a 10-week training program designed to give motivated undergraduate students hands-o read more NextGenPop - Undergraduate Program in Population Research Duke Research in Engineering Program (DukeREP) is a 7-week summer program hosted by the Biomedical Engineering Department (BME) for high school students with an interest in science and engineering. S. Our team of 326 faculty members publish Opportunity Description: Use the following links to explore different opportunities at Duke University for Biology research experiences: BioScience Undergraduate Research Fellows Program (B-SURF) (rising sophomores) Dean's Summer Research Fellowship; Summer Biochemistry Undergraduate Research Fellowships; Huang Fellows Program; Duke Marine Lab REU All Duke research personnel involved in writing proposals for funding are invited to attend, though the sessions are geared towards faculty who are writing or planning to write NIH grant applications. Current or upcoming research and funding Muser is a database of research opportunities for undergraduate students, posted by Duke researchers, that seeks to make research more transparent and equitable. The hiring manager (or person who best understands the research support responsibilities and learning objectives for the position) should email wer-jobs@duke. edu An internationally recognized leader in laboratory and clinical investigation, the Duke Department of Surgery has been among the top 10 departments of surgery nationally in NIH funding for 25 consecutive years. The Duke Department of Medicine engages in transformative research – both basic science and clinical. Office of Postdoctoral Services (OPS) Postdoctoral Resources. edu The Duke University Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is a 10-week training program designed to give motivated undergraduate students hands-on experience in graduate-level biomedical research. Research mentors are members of the entire Duke University research community who can provide meaningful research experiences for students. Researchers in the Department are engaged in creating new knowledge and Undergraduate Research Support Office. Biological and Brain OLLI at Duke welcomes postdocs who would like to teach a course. Albert Einstein College of Medicine Summer Program. Dr. edu. 011 Allen Building Duke University Box 90051 Durham, NC 27708-0051. A student is typically eligible to earn up to $1100 in wages with a combination of work-study and the URS Assistantship. Crowley Lab. As a global leader in research and education, Duke is committed to nurturing an environment that fosters creativity, intellectual curiosity and academic excellence. More information 6. Humanities Labs [undergraduate opportunities vary by lab, may include affiliated courses, summer opportunities or assistantships] Story+ Summer Program [not offered in 2024] See Duke summer research opportunities for undergraduates Undergraduate Grant Opportunities. We anticipate awarding 2-3 grants of up to $20,000 each for a duration of one year. Gay Devi's lab presents his abstract for the Duke Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Fellowship (B-SURF) Learn more about research opportunities for undergraduate students in the list of projects below. 919. Goals can differ in some fundamental ways, as can our reactions when we achieve them or fail to achieve them. In this NIH-funded program, we work closely with recent post-baccalaureate students to provide them with the skills necessary to excel in graduate training programs in the life sciences. The Third Year at the Duke University School of Medicine represents a distinctive opportunity for students to broaden their background in basic science as well as patient-oriented research (clinical research, epidemiology, population health Summer research opportunities offered by the Physics Department are an excellent introduction to scientific research. Duke Research and Discovery @RTP Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities; Celebrating Scientific Discoveries; Patient Care; @2024 Duke University and Duke . edu Funding Opportunities. Duke offers resources that are helpful whether you are just starting your position at Duke or seeking your next career opportunity. The meeting or conference should take place during the semester in which the student is applying for the grant (Apply… read more ». Proposals should include details about the technology to The Duke Economic Analytics Laboratory (DEAL) is a new initiative designed to facilitate linking Duke undergraduates who are seeking research experiences with faculty-led research projects that are at the frontier of economics, broadly defined. Information on all new and updated grants and fellowships added during the prior week. Due to full-time hours, interns should not take classes during the program. Keck Graduate Institute’s Summer Undergraduate Research and Internship Opportunities. Taking part in a clinical trial to find out if new therapies are safe and effective. Duke’s online student research network is the place to start. See opportunities for faculty and learn how students can get involved. Oct 10, 2023 В· The reputation of our research and teaching faculty is the biggest strength of the department. Duke Family & Community Medicine Learning Together Program. Past REU students have done studies on (1) behavioral responses Currently enrolled Duke undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply for summer research funding from the Duke Human Rights Center@FHI. The goals of the DSRF are to strengthen undergraduate research opportunities for undergraduates, to enlarge the scope of undergraduate research conducted on and off campus during the summer, and to provide Postdoctoral Resources. The meeting or conference should take place during the semester in which the student is applying for the grant (Apply for the grant in the spring for a conference To address the growing need for this critical component of the research workforce, these grants provide outstanding mentored research opportunities for resident-Investigators and foster their ability to transition to individual career development research awards. edu> Subject: PhD Research Opportunity. The award carries a $13,000 stipend ($17,000 for fellows who have completed their PhD) for two courses, a $1,500 allowance for costs related to research or course preparation, travel costs to/from China, health insurance, and a housing allowance. Donating a tube of blood or a tissue sample. myRESEARCHhome is supported by the Duke Office of Research Initiatives and built by OASIS with funding provided by the Duke CTSA grant UL1TR002553, the Duke School of Medicine, and the Duke Office for Research & Innovation. Candidates who successfully complete Track 1 will satisfy requirements for Advanced Competency in Cardiovascular MRI (Level 3) of the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic. Previous funding opportunities: 2023 Postdoctoral Research Awards to Accelerate Career Independence Duke University School of Medicine has established Duke Regeneration Center (DRC) to enhance discovery and applications in the broad field of tissue regeneration. edu Research remains foundational to addressing impending challenges in cardiovascular disease. Since 2002, Learning Together has created community partnerships and offered training, mentoring, and outreach opportunities for Duke learners (students) interested in providing health-related service Postdoctoral appointees are an integral part of the research endeavor at Duke University. Some of these studies will involve eye-tracking studies of participants as they respond to spoken instructions. D. As a core partner university with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Duke University faculty, postdocs, and students have access to a number of unique opportunities to take advantage of the state-of-the-art facilities and collaborate with researchers at ORNL. Duke’s 273,000 square foot facility is home to researchers in the The Duke University Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is a 10-week training program designed to give motivated undergraduate students hands-on experience in graduate-level biomedical research. Welcome to the Duke University School of Medicine Clinical Research Internship Portal (CRISP)! Our goal is to assist students earning a degree with finding an opportunity to participate in research at an academic Feb 21, 2022 В· Now, thanks to the Duke Summer Experiences database, which launched in late January, undergrads can view a variety of summer opportunities in one centralized place. Undergraduate student Ulises Nino-Espino from Dr. Types of participation can include: Completing a questionnaire about health or behaviors, or answering questions in an interview with researchers. Soni Nag with medical student Victoria Bendersky at Duke Surgery's Annual Research Day Learn more about research opportunities for medical students in the list of projects below. Hands-on experiences come in many formats through your time at Duke, including research opportunities that increase in depth and meaning over four years. The Interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Center offers mini-grants for Duke investigators who conduct social behavior research. Undergraduate SNP student Rebecca Li got the opportunity to focus on individual brain-related projects that could lead to innovative research possibilities in the future. Affiliated faculty from across Duke bring additional intellectual resources and richness to the Department's research activities. Our faculty collaborate with several departments and schools, including Engineering, Medicine, Nursing, and Sanford. ————. edu Any technology or method is relevant to this request, provided there strong justification that the approach is new and impactful. The… read more about this opportunity » URS Conference Grants. Many faculty members have been recognized both at university and national levels for their excellence in research, education, and service. CV Imaging Research Center: Nuclear Imaging. Students are encouraged to contact potential faculty research advisors, to inquire about possible projects. These include an overview of clinical research roles, regulations, and workflows specific to each clinical research role. They can search by area of interest, type of program, program cost, year in school, and several other filters. DRC is pleased to announce availability of funding support to help DRC-affiliated labs recruit strong postdoctoral candidates. graduate program after completing their Third Year Scholarly Experience Goal Developing tomorrow's physician leaders through a rigorous scholarly experience in biomedical-related research. The Department of Medicine offers the Duke R38 Research Pathway for residents committed to a career as a physician investigator. This project has generated a number of questions and an REU student will certainly have opportunities to engage on work and research at the farm. Arsha Sharna (2022) Rising senior Arsha Sharna sees the Summer Neuroscience Program as a path towards her reaching her goals in clinical research and helping patients. They help establish purposeful external partnerships to support research from all disciplines, accelerate basic and translational research, and drive innovation across Duke. This section describes various sources of available funding for faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and students in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology. The Duke Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Center offers two types of fellowship programs: 1) Advanced Clinical and Research Track; and 2) Post-Doctoral Research Track. Undergraduate Research Support Office. Duke's Electrical and Computer Engineering research enables creative, applicable solutions to pressing challenges in human health, security, and automation, and new strides in fundamental scientific exploration and discovery. The Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Fellowship is an 8-week summer research program for rising sophomores (currently enrolled Duke students). Information can be found at the following link: https Duke PRIME-PREP provides focused research training opportunities for students from backgrounds historically underrepresented in science and medicine. Our faculty research labs list opportunities for undergraduates within the Muser system. The OPS promotes postdoctoral training at Duke and prepares Duke postdocs The research activity will be conducted over the course of a 12-month period, commencing June 1, 2023 and ending no later than May 31, 2024. A URS Conference Grant is an award of up to $400 to use towards attending and/or presenting research done at Duke at a national or regional meeting of a professional organization. Tomasello at michael. Department of Pharmacology at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) - Graeme Carnegie Fellowship. The Office of Postdoctoral Services (OPS) is the central resource for postdoctoral appointees on campus, and serves as a liaison between postdocs, faculty, administrators, and staff. There are diverse opportunities, including case studies, literature reviews, teaching conferences, quality improvement, as well as research projects. Descriptions of research opportunities are listed below, with application deadlines and links for applying. Duke is a leader in translating fundamental discoveries in the laboratory into state-of-the-art care in areas such as biliary and pancreatic disease management, cancer, and fatty liver disorders, cancer prevention and health care disparities. The Duke Summer Experience project is managed by the Office of Undergraduate Education's Division of Experiential Education. You can combine disciplines or delve into a specialized study. The first step in research is taking a step — any step — especially if it is still the first year. edu for more information. Opportunities span dozens of disciplines and range from paid to volunteer to independent study credits. Undergraduate Students – Please fill out this application and contact our lab manager Juliette Chartier at jjc97@duke. Published every Monday. University Institutes, Initiatives and Centers Apr 17, 2024 В· Duke Surgery's 8th Annual Research Day will be held on April 17, 2024. edu for more information about the 2024-2025 academic year. Duke-Margolis Summer Experience Program. Support Offices. NC Space Grant will grant $8,000 per student for up to 10 student awards. CV Imaging Research Center: Electronic Electrocardiography. Helping researchers understand how the healthy body works. To recognize the research accomplishments of our learners and to foster further accomplishments, the Department of Surgery is sponsoring its 8th Annual Research Day on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 in the Great Hall, Trent Semans Building. Focused in six key areas, our faculty and their students conduct research that fights drug-resistant diseases, builds cancer-finding circuits made of DNA, trains Research Opportunities. The Duke Research Professionals Network (RPN) was established to provide an opportunity for faculty and staff in Duke Health to enhance their contributions to the clinical research community through educational and Undergraduate Research Support Office. Dave Lab. Students are placed in one of Duke's biological and biomedical science laboratories, attend faculty seminars, and participate in professional development workshops. You'll experience thought-provoking seminars and workshops This clinical research portfolio spans research done within the Divisions of Endocrinology, General Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics and the Center for Aging, Hematology, Infectious Diseases, Rheumatology, Nephrology, Pulmonary and Allergy and Critical Care Medicine, and Duke Molecular Physiology Institute (DMPI). Duke Psychology & Neuroscience Professor Angie Vieth dives into the effects our goals can have on our emotions . Travel grants can be used to pursue global health research opportunities in low, lower- and upper- middle-income countries1 (a listing of eligible countries can be found at the World Bank Research Opportunities for Medical Students Photo: General Surgery resident Dr. Open to students on F-1 visas, and must show approval for work authorization. Below is a list of undergraduate summer research opportunities across STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) disciplines at Duke University. There are many options for students at Duke to pursue research, whether through independent study or work with individual faculty mentors, summer research programs or through established, interdisciplinary programs like Bass Connections. Our goal An archive of Opportunities. News & World Report, and support about 90 graduate students. edu/funding . SURF is an eight-week paid summer program offering rising sophomores opportunities for mentored research in a broader range of disciplines. edu to request a Clinical Research Intern Request Form if they believe the required work and learning objectives fit into this job classification. Learn how to participate in clinical research and trials that advance health and prevent or treat diseases. Maintain knowledge of cutting edge technologies and approaches (10% effort) Nov 9, 2023 В· For complex research grant proposals led by SoM faculty, the team can facilitate proposal development through template preparation, advice and guidance, project management, and review/editing to ensure integration across the various components of the application. Coordinate lab chores, including equipment maintenance and organization. The Third Year at the Duke University School of Medicine represents a distinctive opportunity for students to broaden their background in basic science as well as patient-oriented research (clinical research, epidemiology, population health), humanities and AI/BME the basis of clinical medicine. Login to Subscribe. Maintaining inventory and ordering key reagents. The research lab of Dr. If you have questions, email Molly Starback, Director of Duke Postdoctoral Services. The Academic Deans of Trinity College take pleasure in awarding the Deans' Summer Research Fellowship (DSRF) in support of undergraduate research and inquiry in the arts and sciences. Research. Work full-time on interesting projects, led by members of the Duke ECE faculty. 684. The goals of the grant are to strengthen global research opportunities for students interested in developing, implementing, and working in human rights. This Funding and Support. Find a clinical trial, join a registry, or contact the Duke Recruitment Innovation Center. vk cw ky ty aq ro wv vt zg bi